

Vantage Movement

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Data Points

April 17, 20243 min read

“Sometimes hearing out loud what you’ve been thinking in your head can be uncomfortable and you’ve got to decide if you want to change up some of your lifestyle.”

Chris Cooper, Vantage Movement Founder and CEO

It’s always a good time to clean up your nutrition and get back on track. I have a lot of conversations with people that have the phrase “I eat pretty clean” in them.  Take a second, is that how you’d describe your nutrition? Don’t get me wrong, I have that conversation with myself all the time too.  We start off cleaning up our nutrition and alcohol consumption and eventually start making subtle concessions as we grow bored with the sacrifices of healthy choices.  We fall back into our habits and routines of eating, snacking and drinking that if left unchecked can slowly work against us. 

So in order to give us those check in points, we use an InBody Scan to:

InBody Scan body composition easy fast results

1. Collect data

What we think of ourselves is not always aligned with reality. Sometimes we need real data to set a starting point and to reference as we make progress. With a simple, five minute scan, and guidance from our staff, we can gain a wealth of data points specifically regarding your body composition: dry lean mass, body fat mass, water content and overall weight.

2. Get insight

Not every body is the same. What is true and healthy for you should not be measured against someone else. According to InBody directly,

"A healthy body composition contributes to a stronger immune system and reduces your health risk for common chronic diseases and conditions like high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Here’s how you can use body composition to improve your wellbeing.

  • Find your baseline so you can know what you need to lose, gain, or maintain

  • Assess your Percent Body Fat so you can focus on fat loss, not just weight loss

  • Maximize your workout routine to fit your unique health and fitness goals

  • Calculate your caloric needs and create a personalized nutrition plan

  • Set realistic goals, accurately monitor progress, and stay motivated

  • Make more informed decisions to improve your body composition

(Reference InBody's Blog to learn more- copyrighted 2024)

3. Set goals

What we choose to do with this knowledge is up to you. Now that you have a baseline, where to you want to go? How would you like to improve? Do you want to feel better? By conducting an InBody Scan every 3-6 months, you can set measurable goals, take steps toward progress and recheck yourself to keep moving forward. This is why we exist at Vantage Movement!

Even though the machine isn’t invasive, the results might be.  Sometimes hearing out loud what you’ve been thinking in your head can be uncomfortable and you’ve got to decide if you want to change up some of your lifestyle.  Sometimes the results you get will shock you and you find out that things aren’t as bad as you thought and you can just keep livin'.  One way or the other, we’re collecting data points to help inform you and your decisions along your journey. 

To schedule an InBody Scan, email us [email protected]

Chris Cooper

Founder and CEO of Vantage Movement

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Vantage Movement aims to build and fortify our community with strong bodies and minds through the use of functional fitness methodology. We want to be the best part of our member’s day and improve their lives and health one day at a time.


Vantage Movement

6161 W 44th Ave #100

Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

(720) 440-2173


Mon-Fri: 5am - 5:30pm

Sat: 8:30am - 10:30am

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