

Vantage Movement

blog posts

From motivation, to programming, to seasons in life, to nutrition and data points for feeling your healthiest and best self- all of our blog posts have a thought to share that is worth a read.

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April 12, 20242 min read

If you are anything like me, finding motivation, or inspiration in the winter months can be very challenging. 

We start off with losing daylight, then we get thrown into holidays, stress, parties, and added responsibilities.  The weather varies, but one fairly consistent thing is it’s cold outside and for some of us, that just makes it easier to hibernate.

When you look up what hibernation is, it’s a period of time spent dormant, an extended period of being inactive. Everything slows down in winter.  The days are shorter, the nights are longer and no matter how hard we try, we just can’t fit everything in. 

But we’re out of winter, we’re into spring, a season where everything comes back to life.  The days get longer, the weather warms-up and we start feeling the pull to get out of the house.  

It’s time to shake off your hibernation and start moving again. No matter where you are, the spring and summer months offer you a lot of options to do outside.  From walking and running, to cycling and swimming.  From pickleball and spikeball to happy hours and porch parties. Regardless of the activity,  we want to be as prepared as possible to play.

What are you doing to prepare? 

Each year, we take the months of April and May to prepare you for a season of play.  We’ve got hikes and races, benchmarks and beaches to showcase our fitness and we want to make sure you walk into those events confident and healthy.  Our group training program focuses on increasing stamina, cardio endurance and muscular endurance. The added bonus of this is your muscles get an extra blast of volume and if you feed them well, will start to “tone” up as your body composition improves. 

- Chris Cooper, Founder and CEO of Vantage Movement

Chris Cooper

Founder and CEO of Vantage Movement

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Vantage Movement aims to build and fortify our community with strong bodies and minds through the use of functional fitness methodology. We want to be the best part of our member’s day and improve their lives and health one day at a time.


Vantage Movement

6161 W 44th Ave #100

Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

(720) 440-2173


Mon-Fri: 5am - 5:30pm

Sat: 8:30am - 10:30am

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